Barry Reichart- Owner, Chef, Musician
BSOTB- 12601 Coastal Highway
126th Behind Holiday Inn Front of Northside Park
 Barry, along with his wife, Debbie has created a unique experience in dining. If you love "hidden hideaways" and great food; then Bourbon Street is your place! "Come for the food; stay for the music" is the slogan that captures the heart of Bourbon Street. The passion for food, music, and great friends can be felt here. Think of it as a funky spot with AMAZING food!
Chef Barry's Eastern Shore-style menu, but with a New Orleans flair brings the heat and transcends you to the extraordinary. The menu includes steaks, seafood, jambalaya, étouffée, creole, & homemade soups & desserts.
Once you discover the food, you will want to stay for the music. You will feel as though you have escaped to your favorite place in New Orleans. BSOTB is famous for its open-mic nights and talented musicians. It is always a treat when Barry escapes the kitchen and rocks the house!
"Come for the food; stay for the music!"

Barry Reichart